Contributing factors
We have arrived at this point in time by partaking in processed foods, sugars, chemicals, sugar substitutes and lack of physical activity. These factors are directly responsible for how we have arrived at this point in history. There is little education in the schools and at home to correct these fatal mistakes.
According to Dr. Jonathan V. Wright M.D.,"Pioneering A New Kind of Medicine",October 19, 2010. He states, "Sugar isn't just sweet for us - germs love it too. The sugar in your body sends out chemical signals that draw them like moths to a flame. By reading the "sugar code" on your cell walls, these pathogens target cells all over your body".
Lack of physical exercise has also had a large impact on our health. Twenty or thirty years ago children would ride their bikes after school, shoot baskets, play in parks etc. Today's society is tied to a desk and computer or TV. This gives the body little chance to burn off sugars, detox or recover from the day. This is not only the younger society that is suffering from lack of physical activity. It is also the adult generation who has become use to this lifestyle.
Correcting The Past With These Secret Foods
Here are a few food tips to health and well-being. All sugar is not bad for you. Natural sugar sources are not only needed for healthy brain activity, but also needed as an energy resource. Low sugar is just as bad as high sugar. Too much sugar and a body will store it as fat. Too little sugar and the body become sluggish, brain activity slows and eventually a person may go into a coma.
An old secret food that can be used not only as a health sugar alternative, but also as a way to improve the health is cranberries. This fruit provides antioxidants, natural sugars and germ fighting properties to the body. You can eat this fruit as a dessert or as a snack. Another excellent fruit is blueberries. Both these berries contain chains of sugars which are easy for the body to breakdown and use as an energy resource. Whole natural juices are not the same as eating fruit. Get the best benefits by buying them fresh from the market.
When a person's body is use to sugar, it can act like a drug to the system. Sometimes the dependency is similar to drug addiction. The best way to stop the dependency is to stop "cold-turkey". Stopping your sugar intake from process foods and desserts for three to five days will break the body's dependency on sugar. Substituting healthy alternatives like berries is a great way to not only get the necessary sugar, but also improve your health.
Physical Activity
To get your physical activity every day is as simple as taking a walk for lunch, doing ten minutes of core muscle exercises or taking the steps instead of the elevator. The best kinds of activities are those you make up on your own. Usually these are more fun and you will tend to keep doing them. Try to challenge yourself by besting your own time. Or challenge yourself by walking up hill, take an extra flight of stairs each week to increase endurance, park in a different section of the parking lot to increase variety or walk at lunch time with different people. No matter what you decide to do, the benefits will be result in better health. Get up and get moving.
As you can see just a few simple changes in the foods you eat, minus the sugar intake, plus a bit of physical activity can really help a person's health. Starting and sticking to something like this is not easy to do, but once you are doing it for a few weeks, it becomes habit.
There are natural ways to lose weight and improve health through natural means. More FREE tips to health can be found here website
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