Do you want to lose weight and still enjoy food? You can. Do you miss these nice desserts you used to have? The fact that you are on a diet does not mean you can't have them any more.
Did you know that having a dessert or sweet treat every once in a while actually increases your chances to lose weight successfully? Why? Because if you allow yourself this bit of luxury you can't do without, you are much less likely to cheat on your diet and then exaggerate it. After all, if you can eat what you want, there's no need for cheating.
Desserts Food
The secret of enjoying desserts when you want to lose weight is to choose low calorie desserts. And fortunately, with some simple tricks you can create low calorie desserts that don't really taste like boring low calorie food.
There are four ways of reducing calories in your dessert:
reducing the amount of fat
reducing the amount of sugar
reducing the amount of other simple carbohydrates
reducing portion sizes
Reducing fat
Most fat in your desserts comes in form of butter or dairy products like cream, milk, cream cheese and mascarpone. You can reduce fat very easily without losing much taste.
Replace butter with a good margarine. That's not only less fat but also healthier fat. In many cake or muffin recipes you could even use canola oil instead.
If cream is not used beaten, you can use butter milk or coconut milk instead. They contain much less fat and also taste great.
Use low fat milk instead of full cream milk. It works just as well and you will barely notice the difference. Plus, you cut calories coming from milk to about one third. Buttermilk can replace milk in shakes and smoothies.
Use low fat smooth cottage cheese or ricotta in place of cream cheese or mascarpone. Your dessert will have significantly less calories and also be less heavy.
Buy low fat ice cream. Try to find one that is not too high in sugar. Alternately, you can make your own ice cream with low fat milk and artificial sweeteners.
Reducing sugar
This is a bit more tricky but still possible. In many recipes you can simply reduce the amount of sugar. If you then feel it's not sweet enough, you have several options:
You can use artificial sweeteners like Splenda or Aspartame. They are very sweet (so a little will do) but contain almost no calories.
You can also use natural sweeteners like honey, fructose or maple syrup. They contain fewer calories than sugar, and since they are much sweeter you need less. But remember that they still do contain calories. Natural sweeteners are a great option if you just want to sweeten something a little. But if you want to use a large amount, then rather don't go this route.
Add naturally sweet foods like fresh or dried fruit to your dessert. This will reduce your need for additional sugar and at the same time provide you with many important vitamins and fiber.
Reducing other simple carbohydrates
Of all carbohydrates, sugar is the one that causes most damage. But there are other simple carbohydrates that have a quite similar effect on our body. Refined products like white flour also contain simple carbohydrates. These are stored as fat when you eat too many of them, so you should reduce these foods as well when you want to lose weight.
The best way to do this is to swap white flour with whole grain flour. You can completely replace it or mix the two, depending on how much you need or want to reduce calories. The good thing about a whole grain muffin is that it also fills you quicker and better than one made of white flour. So you will eat less.
Reducing portion sizes
One of the best and most effective ways of reducing calories is certainly simply eating less. I'm not saying you should have tiny portions. Just reasonable ones. You don't really need five scoops of ice-cream, two would also do. Rather stick to smaller portions and enjoy them without having to worry too much about the calories.
Bettina Berlin is a health professional specializing in healthy weight loss approaches. Losing weight can prevent diseases, improve recovery and bring relief for chronically ill people. Are you tired of diets letting you down? Visit to discover how you can achieve permanent weight loss whilst enjoying your life to the fullest! Get The Slim Habit NOW, the weight loss program that teaches you to change your lifestyle instead of torturing you with diets!
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