The film can be used to cook sweet fruit. Apples and bananas are popular fruits to cook with the paper. Film offers an easy way to cook with cleaning without damage. E 'is often used for cooking on coals, but the film can also be used to cook the same dishes at home in your oven.
baked apples are a favorite of the field. For this delicious cake, take a big apple, leaving the skin and remove the seeds with some soil intact. Ifcan store some of the top cover stuffed with apples. Fill the center with your choice of ingredients, such as cinnamon and sugar, walnuts, raisins, marshmallows, nutmeg, brown sugar, butter and / or coconut. Replace part to keep the filling cooks like Apple. Wrap apples in every paper, with the shiny side up. Heavy duty aluminum foil is the best. And 'unlikely to puncture and will help to burn food. Place the foil-wrapped potatoes in embers andBake for about 10 minutes. Carefully remove and discard the benefits package.
Another way to make baked apples are cut, simply sprinkle the sliced apples in the middle of the film and the desired coating. Close the foil and cook on the grill. You can substitute peaches instead of apples for this if you wish.
Another favorite movie is the banana boat Bowl. For the banana boat, cut a V-shaped wedge along the entire length of the banana top so that the hullfixed at one end, if possible. You can eat the corner. Fill the cavities with fillings such as chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, nuts, peanut butter, butter chips, Reese's pieces, or any other filling you like. Replace the shell wrap on the surface of the side trim and aluminum foil, shiny inside the box. Place the package of fruit, for their part in coal. Cook for about 2-3 minutes per side. The key is to merge without completely fillingCooking banana makes it a little 'muddy. End up with a dish that is a version of a bonfire Banana Split (without ice).
Here's an easy way to provide the individual with the pineapple cake. Take a simple donut cake and cut it in half like a donut. Take a pineapple, cut into slices and between each half of the bun. Foil and place on coals for 5 minutes, turning at the same time. Serve with whipped cream.
Friends Link : circulon 2 10-piece cookware set
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