Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Raw Dessert and Enzymes - What's All The Fuss?

Raw dessert would have to be one my favorite treats, firstly because of the amazing taste sensations that come with each bite, and secondly, because of the incredible health benefits derived from each treat. There's not many desserts that can boast that is there?

So why is raw dessert so good for you? Well, aside from the fact that it is not loaded with sugar, butter and other hydrogenated saturated fats, it is loaded with live enzymes, and that is what makes it superb.

Desserts Food

Enzymes are one of the most important components of a healthy functioning body. In fact, it is safe to say that enzymes probably rival the importance of the air we breathe and the water we drink. Why? Because enzymes carry vital roles in the body, which without, you would not be able to break down, construct, synthesise, deliver and eliminate many of the ingredients your body uses every day.

Enzymes are essential in order for your body to digest the food you eat. They break down food particles into their individual molecules, which are then used for energy in the body. Without sufficient enzymes, the body absorbs nutrients that are not fully digested, creating numerous problems including bloating, bowel disorders, heartburn, food allergies and more. Undigested molecules enter into the bloodstream, stimulating the immune system into action to attack and destroy what it recognizes as a foreign invader. In fact, after a cooked meal, it has been documented that there is a significant increase in the number of white blood cells circulating in the blood, that are not present after a raw meal. The result is a compromise in nutritional benefits derived from the food you eat, along an overworked immune system, and little vitality left for you.

Fortunately, nature made the human body intelligently enough so that we are able to create enzymes ourselves, and in our younger years, we are endowed with an abundant supply of enzymes. Unfortunately, as we age and our bodies are exposed to lifestyle and environmental factors such as overly processed and fast food, toxic chemicals, stress and pollution, our enzyme making capacity diminishes, and leaves us tired, more susceptible to aging and chronic disease.

So what can we do about it?

Eat more raw food. And what a better place to start than choosing raw dessert over the cooked variety!

Dr. Edward Howell, the father of enzyme research, tells us that the human digestive system is designed to break down approximately half of the food we eat, and the remainder needs to be sourced from raw, living food.

Raw dessert aside for a moment, adding at least 1 raw meal to a daily menu, and aiming for an 80% raw, 20% cooked diet means you'll be doing yourself a huge favor.

When raw foods such as apple, pumpkin, carrot etc. are exposed to temperatures above 118ºF/47ºC, they start to break down, which means the valuable enzymes are often completely destroyed, and what was once bursting with life, is dead and lifeless. Because the enzymes in raw foods are destroyed by heat, a diet high in cooked foods places undue strain on the digestive system, demanding incredible amounts of energy, exhausting your digestive organs, and contributing to numerous chronic diseases.

Raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and sprouted grains, pulses and seeds are a rich source of powerful enzymes, digesting much easier than cooked food, and passing through the digestive tract in 1/2 the time it takes for cooked food, leaving you feeling lighter, more energized, and full of vitality. So if longevity is part of your life plan, and you value feeling good in your body and mind, then be sure to add more of these to your daily menu plan and feel the difference almost immediately.

Raw Dessert and Enzymes - What's All The Fuss?

Maraya lives in the Byron Bay Hinterland region of Northern NSW, Australia, and is a raw food and nutrition enthusiast, with a particular love of raw dessert.



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